Right now I have so much I want to share, but I feel a bit like one does when a “cyclone” hits a room. Where to start? It can feel so overwhelming to find that place to begin, but today I’ve chosen to simply focus on the first phase of tackling the project. Decisions. Not the details behind the decisions. For now, I will need to simply focus on the decisions that have been made recently.
Oh how I would love to be able to share so many details behind these decisions. I love recording all of the details since it’s a testament to God’s glorious works that I never want to forget. One day, I’ll be blessed with the gift of time, time to record the things I never want to forget, but for now, my time is so very limited. So much to do. So much to treasure up in my heart. So much I want to record. Focus. Focus on the task at hand. Decisions.
The first decision I want to share this morning is a decision that affects all eternity. Last night, Asher made a decision that will change his future more than any other decision he could ever make.
We are rejoicing that Asher has chosen to make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of his life!!! Yesterday evening, on the second Sunday of Advent 2011, Asher chose to proclaim that Jesus is HIS Lord, that he wants Jesus to be the King of his life, to dwell in his heart, to live his life for the One and Only.
We held a family “birthday” party to celebrate Asher’s new birth in Christ. December 4, 2011, is Asher’s spiritual birthday, the day he was born again. Hallelujah! Praises to our King of Kings!
Oh how I’d love to record so many details behind this decision. I’d love to share how we thought this day might not ever come for Asher. I’d love to share more about the darkness we’ve battled in our home, things we had never experienced prior to bringing Asher into our family, and I’d love to share what we experienced when God delivered him. Amazing miracles. One day I’ll be able to share. For now, I simply rejoice.
The other decision that we finally made, with God’s guidance, is that I will *NOT* be traveling to Ukraine. There are so many details behind this decision, but, again, not enough time to record them all right now.
Matt (my hubby) will travel to Ukraine with our 13-year-old daughter, Mattie.
As I said, there are so many details behind this decision, but for now we rejoice in the plan God has revealed to us.
I will write more as I get a chance. It’s another full week, as usual, but perhaps this week is more full than our typical weeks due to the fact the I’m trying to prepare to send my husband and daughter across the world for an unknown period of time. Plus, Mattie is getting braces this week, I’m traveling to another city (4 hours away) Wednesday to testify in a child custody hearing (pray for the judge to have wisdom as to the best interest of the child in this case), plus I’ll be working on fulfilling and shipping the 300+ John 14:18 fundraiser items! CRAZY.
God is good all the time, He is faithful all the time, and He will graciously walk us through this week. For now, we rejoice in His sovereignty, rejoice in His plans, rejoice in His provisions, rejoice in Him. Period.

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