Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Submitted Today!

Today our adoption dossier is being submitted to the Ukrainian SDA (department of adoption)!!!  We should have a travel date assigned within a few weeks, as long as there's no questions/complications/rejections with our dossier.  It could be November when Matt travels to Ukraine to start the Ukrainian process (which takes about 4-6 weeks to complete), and then our boys will get to come HOME!!!  It would be so fabulous to have them home before Christmas.

We haven't heard anything else regarding the situation about the boys saying they no longer want to be adopted.  Several people contacted me to let me know that they've encountered the same thing and/or that they've had personal experience with specific orphanages and/or regions having a high percentage of kids being "talked out of" adoption (for whatever reason).

Please pray that if it is God's will for these boys to become forever Pattersons, that everyone involved in the decision making processes will know, trust, believe, and obey God's will above all else.

Thank you!

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