Friday, October 21, 2011


"A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it." ~Frank A. Clark


Kiefer and Ella play “babies” everyday.  They’re such good friends.  I feel so blessed by watching them play together, witnessing their friendship, created by God. 

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Kiefer decided his baby needed a diaper change.  He used a real wipey to clean baby’s bottom.


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Lining the real diaper up, all by himself.


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Uh-oh, the diaper is as big as the baby!


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Oh well, that’s OK, it’ll work just fine.


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Here are all of the babies lined up on the couch.  It’s meal time for the babies, compliments of Ella and Kiefer.  They take good care of their babies.


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Speaking of babies, my oldest bio baby is growing up way too fast.  They all are, really.


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And here’s my baby bio, hauling the Selah’s exersaucer outside.  Sawyer takes good care of his baby sister.


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Baby Selah enjoying tractor time with Daddy.  Our kids have always enjoyed tractor time with Daddy.  Smile


Lorraine and John bunnies

This is me when I was just a “baby”.  My brother, John, and I were rescuing some baby bunnies whose momma had gotten killed.  Funny how God created us with a desire to help babies, from the very beginning.


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Kiefer’s no longer a baby.  He’s 3 and had his first big-boy teeth cleaning!  He did great, and he didn’t have any cavities.  Hallelujah!


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Here’s my mom and Dad (Nana and PawPaw) with all 13 of their grandbabies (without Chrissie in the count, of course, although she is undoubtedly smiling from heaven for this photo).  My mom and dad had 4 kids, and probably felt like their babies would never grow up.  Now their “babies” are giving them grandbabies.  Life is so short.  Treasure every moment of it.


“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for” ~anonymous

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