Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ukrainian Host Party

Last weekend, we hosted a gathering for families in our area who are hosting Ukrainian orphans through Charis ministries this summer.  We swam, ate loads of pizza (thank you Brewster's!), rode horses, and broke a pinata (so the Ukrainians could experience a Texas tradition!).  It was reported that a good time was had by all.
I apologize for the poor photo quality.  Between my iPhone and the photographer (me), it's a wonder any of my photos turn out! 
Not everyone is pictured in this photo, but it's a good sampling of the Ukrainian kiddos at the party.

Kiefer lininig up to take a swing at the boot pinata.

Everyone attacked once the pinata burst and candy flew everywhere!

The kids loved riding horses.  Matt ran alongside kids who rode Chrissie's pony, Navidad, so that they could bounce while Navidad trotted.  Dima LOVED this, and I captured it on video.  Such fun!

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