Selah continues to improve, although I had to take her to our pediatrician again on Wednesday because her fever returned Tuesday night. I was suspecting an ear infection because Selah wasn't sleeping well. (Remember that praise report I posted that Selah had slept through the night for 2 nights straight? Well, the very next night, Selah stayed awake all night!) After two simultaneous sleepless nights and then having fever return, I suspected an ear infection was the culprit, and sure enough, Selah's ear was infected. The nurse practitioner couldn't view one of her ears due to wax, but since we knew one ear was infected, we opted not to poke around at the ear wax with a fussy, fussy baby since she was going to be on antibiotics anyway.
All of us are on the mend now (except that Mattie and I cannot breathe through our noses AT ALL!), and I believe Selah's ear is healing. She hasn't had anymore fever, and she slept through the night last night (praise God!). Selah's RSV is clearing up, her secretions are lessening, her breathing is getting better (still doing Xoponex breathing treatments about 3/x/day), and she's all-around looking and feeling so much better! Thank you for praying for her! We're grateful for all of you!!!
PS It's been fun lately to discover some of you "lurkers" who have chosen to come out of hiding and introduce yourself! I truly had no idea that some of you existed, and it's truly a blessing to know that God has used Chrissie's life to touch so many of you. Please know that I do love hearing from you, but I apologize if I'm not able to email you back. I want you to know that I do read each and every email that comes in (I receive email on my phone, which means I can catch up on emails while cooking dinner, standing in line at the grocery store, waiting at the doctor's office, etc.), but I just don't have as much time in my day as I'd like, so I don't always get to reply the way I'd like to. I am so grateful for each and every one of you, truly I am!
Kiefer's had opportunities to eat cake before, but he just recently decided that he likes it! We gave him a piece of Ella's birthday cake (and didn't cut his slice into bites), and this is how he ate it! He seriously put this entire bite into his mouth!!! If you look closely, you'll notice that he even has icing on his eyelashes!!! He loved it so much, he stuffed his mouth with HUGE bites over and over and over, singing portions of "Happy Birthday" between bites!
And more!
Notice the almost empty plate and the stuffed mouth overflowing with cake!
Cinder-ELLA tried to teach Kiefer the correct way to eat cake, but he didn't want any part of it!

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