Happy 40th Birthday, Matt!
I love you more than yesterday!
My 40-year-old husband is the love of my life, and I'm beyond blessed that God chose him for me. I cannot even dream of having a better husband. Matt is wholeheartedly devoted to God, me, and his children. Matt is the spiritual leader of our home, and he seeks to serve and honor God in everything he thinks, says, and does. Matt works hard to provide abundantly for his family, and he not only supports, but enables and praises, my staying at home to care for our family. Matt loves to spend time with his family. He's the kind of dad who comes home from work (often times early) so that he can play with his kids. He has an amazing relationship with each of us...a relationship that is special, unique, and one-of-a-kind. The type of relationship that makes each of us feel like we're the most important person on the face of the earth. And Matt extends his tender heart to others. He's always helping others, even people he doesn't know and will never meet. He anonymously does things to help others, too. He's not looking for praise or recognition (ever!), but I think he's well-deserving of it as we celebrate his 40th birthday!
And I just HAVE to share this AWESOME birthday gift from Chrissie, sent straight from Heaven from a beautiful brown-eyed girl sending angel kisses to her daddy on his 40th birthday!
Do you remember MARIA?!? (Hint: click on her name or look at the Maria button on the blog!) Well, Princess Maria has a forever family!!! Little Maria is the sweet princess who we chose to receive Chrissie's memorial donations that so many of you sent to Reece's Rainbow when Chrissie went to Heaven. Oh praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow...Maria is CHOSEN!!! God says in Mark 14:18, "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." Thank you, God, for coming to rescue Maria, for hand-picking her forever family, for all of the generous donors who gave to Reece's Rainbow in memory of Chrissie, and, of course, for our Princess Chrissie whose legacy continues through the adoption of Princess Maria. And thank you, God, for sending this amazing birthday wish to Matt on his 40th birthday. Please, Father, give Chrissie a great big hug with a brownie batter kiss (and squeeze her neck and pinch her precious cheeks while you're at it) for us. Thank you, Abba Daddy! WOW! What a special surprise and everlasting birthday gift! Thank you, Maria's family, for choosing life for Maria. If you'd like to visit Maria's new family, just click HERE. (Please keep the Christopherson family in your prayers, as well as their special princess. They'll need lots of prayer (and donations!) to get their daughter home quickly!)
And speaking of donations, would you please consider donating to help an orphan in honor of Matt's 40th birthday? If you choose to donate in honor of Matt, please leave a comment here to let us know. If you'd like to join me to extend your birthday greetings to a very special man, here's a list of things you can do that would make Matt feel oh-so-special on his 40th birthday:
- Facebook friend Matt Patterson (He's getting a surprise Facebook profile for his 40th b-day, so he doesn't have any friends yet and you could make his day by starting him out with lots of friends on his new Facebook profile!) Click HERE to Facebook friend Matt (and be sure to leave him a b-day wish on his wall!)
- Facebook "like" Matt's insurance agency, Matt Patterson Insurance Agency, Inc. (I set this page up for him as well as part of his b-day surprises!) Click HERE to "like" Matt Patterson Insurance Agency, Inc. (And, even if you don't have your insurance with Matt, I promise you would like his agency! He's been voted "Best Insurance Agency in Hays County" too many times for me to keep up with it! :-)
- Leave a comment here on the blog to wish Matt a happy b-day! (Just go down to the "leave a comment" link at the very bottom of this blog post.
- Donate to help orphans in honor of Matt, in any denomination of "40" (40 cents, $4, $40...you get the picture! And, really, any amount will help on orphan...just trying to have fun with the 40 theme!)
- Click HERE to donate to Princess Maria (Jillian Christyn Maria Christopherson), the sweet princess who received Chrissie's memorial fund on Reece's Rainbow
- Click HERE to donate to "Abby's Wish" (our friends The Riggs' adoption fund; there's also a place to donate in my sidebar on the right side of the blog)
- Click HERE to donate to the "Pass It Forward" adoption fund (our friends, The Blocks, who are raising money to pass on to another adoptive family; there's also a place to donate in my sidebar on the right side of the blog)
- Click HERE to donate to "Show Hope" (Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth's, orphan ministry)
- (I chose those 4 ways to donate because those are the 4 that are nearest and dearest to Matt's heart...and it's 4 ways, as in the BIG 40 (divided by 10 of course, which gives you 4...4 great ways to donate to help orphans and tell Matt how special he really is!!!)
We love you, Big Daddy!

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