On Saturday, August 21, we attended a party for families who are adopting or already have kids from the HCRM orphanage in Haiti. We're blessed to be within close distance to a community of adoptive families with Haitian kiddos. We haven't been able to do as much with this group of families as we would like, but it was wonderful to fellowship with them last Saturday. We brought a cake to celebrate Naomi's 18th birthday with all of her Haitian friends, and she even got to visit with loved ones in Haiti that night via my phone! We had a lovely time, and Naomi had a wonderful 18th birthday celebration with her friends.
Naomi, Meribeth, Mattie and Mom. We brought Naomi's favorite-color-yellow b-day cake to the gathering of Haitian adoptive families. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. Fortunately, friends emailed me these photos!
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The weekdays were filled with lots of errands and appointments for multiple children: doctor, orthodontist, dentist, hair salon. Almost everything was accomplished that needed to be done, so it feels great to have lots checked off the to-do list!
Total Transformation Institute of Cosmetology in San Marcos where many services are only $5/each!
Yesterday (Friday) was my 39th birthday. Many of you are friends with me on Facebook, and I just have to say THANK YOU for the abundant b-day greetings! I've never received so many birthday wishes in my entire life!!! I was so blessed and grateful for all of your sweet words, and as I celebrated my 39th birthday without Princess Chrissie to sing to me and squeeze my neck, I felt comforted by all of the messages God sent my way via so many of you!
Last night was a really hard night for Matt with missing Chrissie. Lots of tears. It comes in waves. We've learned this is very normal. It's hard to have celebrations without our little joyful princess around to celebrate with us. I spent my birthday being very BUSY, purposefully BUSY so that I wouldn't have a chance to sit around missing Chrissie terribly. (I still miss her every second of every day, literally, but staying busy is good for me.) I left the house early in the morning and didn't come home until fairly late, which is not how I had planned for my day to turn out, but possibly God planned it that way, which was good. I always had several (sometimes all) of my kiddos by my side throughout the day, except during my lunch date with Matt. Staying busy was a good way to help me have a happy birthday. I am grateful for my family and friends who God surrounded me with, but I can't wait for the day when we'll all be in Heaven together; where no one has to be separated. It feels like a great big gigantic "time-out" right now and I don't wanna be in time-out! I want us all to be together, either in Heaven or on earth, because being separated for an indefinite amount of time just stinks.
This was my b-day gift "from Chrissie". It's a Willow Tree angel figurine of a girl holding a seashell to her ear. I plan to put it next to the big jar of seashells that we collected at Navarre Beach in memory of Chrissie.
Today (Saturday), Dr. Porisch and her husband visited Forgotten Saw Ranch! We were SO BLESSED by this sweet time of fellowship in our home with a very special, God-sent friend/woman/cardiologist who I will be forever grateful for. We figured out quite quickly that Matt and Mr. Porisch are quite similar and both have very tender hearts (what a treasure!). After lunch, the guys sat outside and visited for hours while Dr. Porisch and I got caught up inside in the air conditioning! She brought a disc of Chrissie bossing her heart on April 28, 2010, and we were able to sit together and view Chrissie's miracle story. Oh, what a blessing Dr. Porisch is to our lives!
(I didn't take any photos of Dr. Porisch and her hubby...she's not a fan of photos! :-)
We will start school full-time on Monday, so we'll begin a new season of our lives. Chrissie would have been in Pre-K (at our homeschool) this year. That's the grade I taught in public school, my favorite grade ever! If Chrissie stays age 4 in Heaven, I'll have a prekindergartner for all eternity!!! That's a question I'm longing to know the answer to, but I don't think the Bible clearly tells us the answers about age in Heaven. I want to believe that Chrissie will still be 4 years old when we get to Heaven, and how glorious it would be for us to have a 4-year-old for all eternity!!! My favorite age/grade forever and ever. Wow. Hard to fathom. I'm claiming Isaiah 11:6-9 for part of my answer regarding age, "In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all....The baby will play safely near the hole of a cobra. Yes, a little child will put its hand in a nest of deadly snakes without harm...." Yep, I'm thinking Chrissie will still be the boss-your-heart 4-year-old princess when we get to Heaven, and she'll probably be the little child leading them all that is referenced in this verse. Chrissie, baby, I can't wait to see you again in Heaven. Can't wait, baby girl! I know you're having the time of your life, sweet girl, and I'm not worried about you. I just can't wait to hold you, hug you, kiss you, read to you, play with you and love on you my precious angel. (Chrissie is not an angel in Heaven, she is a saint, but I always called her my precious angel when she was here on earth, and she would remind me to thank God for "Mommy's precious angel"!) Love you my little Serbian Sensation!

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