Our family’s going CRAZY over how much you blessed us and the special needs orphans at Village of Hope in Guatemala!!!
I bet you can hear us all shouting with squeals and screams of gratitude and glee, “THANK YOU!!!!!!!”
WOW, a total of 53 toys were donated to Village of Hope—Guatemala, in memory of Chrissie’s 7th birthday. The toys valued at $2,833.02!!! (Actually, a few extra toys were donated (not from the Amazon Wish List) that are not included in this total figure!!!)
A total of $915 was donated via the ChipIn, in memory of Chrissie. A few more donations were mailed, but those are not accounted for in this total.
That means a total of $3,748.02 was given in memory of Chrissie’s 7th birthday. Actually, it’s probably closer to $3,800 because of the extra gifts and donations that haven’t been accounted for yet.
I bet you’re saying “WOW” now, too!!!!!!! And I think I hear your squeals and screams of delight!!!
Isn’t that just amazing? A week long fundraiser in memory of our daughter blessed our socks off AND will bless the socks off special needs orphans in Guatemala. God is good!!!
I’m so very grateful to each and every one of you who prayed, shared, and donated. This was all made possible by you. God poured out His abundant blessings upon this fundraiser, and my mouth is now gaping as I stare at the totals, a picture of His goodness.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Oh, and no party is complete without passing out the party favors!!! Below is a list of the party favors winners.
Winner of Sterliing Silver and 14K Gold Necklace is Roberta Fanelli
Winner of Autographed Boss Your Heart Book is Christine N
Winner of Boss Your Heart little girl’s shirt (size 2T) and girl’s stampers is Chelsea T
Winner of Boss Your Heart shirt (size 2T) and Boy Stampers is Kathi Lolla
Winner of Boss Your Heart shirt (size 3T) and cowboy owl pillow is Kelsey Jakubauskas
Winners of the handmade bead necklaces from Uganda:
- Dannon McMullen Jones
- Lyn
- Kara
- Lydia Whitt Rosencrants
- rdf30s
- Laura Lynn
- Emily Schmidlin
Winner of the USANA Children’s Vitamins is Shelley
Winners, please email me at BossYourHeart (at) gmail (dot) com to give me your shipping address (please write “Boss Your Heart party favor winner” in the email subject line so I can find your email more easily). Be sure to include in your email the shipping info (shipping name and address).
Winners must contact me and give me this information within one week (7 days) or a new winner will be chosen.
PS It was on this very day in 2010 that Chrissie became an American citizen, as she stepped foot for the first time on US soil. Our plane arrived in Houston, and Chrissie exited the plane, walking through customs and into the airport saying, “Hi, y’all!” to everyone. She met all the members of her forever family for the very first time. She knew her siblings and greeted them with warm, gentle, genuine hugs. Oh how we look forward to the day Chrissie greets us like that in heaven!!!
PPS Happy 21st birthday, Samantha!!!!!!! We’re so very proud of you! We love and miss you!!!
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