Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Love & Losses: National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day

October is a hard month for us because there are several significant dates.


These dates signify loss to our hearts, but greater than the loss is the LOVE that these dates brought to our lives.


October 6, 2009, was the first date we held Chrissie in our arms in Serbia.

Happy family

a gorgeous little girl


October 8 was Chrissie’s earthly birthday.  (Her birthday was 10/8/05.)  We only got to celebrate one birthday with Chrissie on this earth, but we are SO GRATEFUL we got to be in Serbia to hold Chrissie on her 4th birthday on October 8, 2009.

Chrissie bday smile


October 14, 2009 was the day Chrissie became an official forever member of our family.  This was the date of her official adoption ceremony in Serbia.

Serbia, Oct 14, 15, 16 028

Serbia, Oct 14, 15, 16 020

Chrissie and her Serbian speech pathologist (who is now a treasrured friend of ours), Sandra.

Serbia, Oct 14, 15, 16 018

Chrissie’s orphanage van that blessed us the day of her adoption ceremony. An orphanage driver and Chrissie’s speech pathologist assisted us from early in the morning until late at night October 14, 2009.  They drove us all over Serbia, from Subotica to the town of Chrissie’s birth, all the way back to the capitol city of Belgrade.  Many hours of travel in one day.


October 15 was my mom’s earthly birthday.  Her last birthday celebration on this earth was October 15, 2011.

Nana and PawPaw grandkids

Oct iPhone misc 390


October 15 is also National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day.  While we have not lost any pregnancies or infants, our hearts are full of compassion and empathy for those who have.  We have several nieces/nephews who went to live with Jesus while they were still being knit in their mommies’ wombs.  Our hearts ache for my sister and my sister-n-law who both have babies in heaven.  Our hearts ache for all those who have babies in heaven, not because heaven isn’t our eternal destination we all long for, but because of the separation between heaven and earth that we long to have the veil removed from.


A friend of mine’s son wrote and recorded this song, in remembrance of his daughter, who went to live with Jesus while she was still being knit in her mommy’s womb.  This song resonates with my soul, and I felt many of you would be touched by it as well.

Click HERE to view the song if it won’t play via this message.


I just wanted to let you all know that if you have a little one in heaven, we are praying for you on this day.  We know how hard it is to be separated from a loved one.  We pray peace that passes understanding for your broken heart on this day.  We cling to the hope we have through our Savior Jesus Christ and the promises of our Father that one day, there will be no more tears, no more separation.  Until then, we boss our hearts through the trials and challenges we face living life separated from our loved ones.

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