I bought an antique desk the other day, and when I was cleaning it up, I found this card in one of the drawers. I felt like it was sent directly to me from Chrissie. (The desk wasn't full of stuff, it just happened to have this card tucked into one of the drawers. I didn't realize it was in there until I took the drawer out to paint it.) I've been trying to figure out how to celebrate Chrissie's 5th birthday, so this card gave me an idea of something Chrissie would love.
Since Chrissie is in Heaven for her 5th birthday, I believe God may allow her to partake in many birthday parties on her special day, October 8. Chrissie LOVED birthday parties. She LOVED hearing people sing, "Happy Birthday to You!", but only if it was sung to Chrissie. God told me to have a birthday party for Chrissie at our house the night before her open-heart surgery (the party was held April 18, 2010), and oh how Chrissie's face lit up as we sang happy birthday to her!!! She wanted us to sing it again and again, and even the morning of her open-heart surgery (April 19), she asked her daddy and I to sing happy birthday to her again. Chrissie truly treasured her birthday party, even though it wasn't really her birthday on the day we celebrated it (April 18). Matt and I were blessed to be able to celebrate Chrissie's REAL 4th birthday in Serbia at her orphanage on October 8, 2009 while we were there to adopt her, but the April 18th birthday party in our home was so much more special for Chrissie because she had a family to sing to her in her forever family in her forever home, instead of caregivers with roommates in an orphanage. There was a tremendous difference in Chrissie's joy and excitement when comparing the Serbian orphanage birthday celebration (Oct. 8, 2009) with the Patterson Family birthday celebration (April 18, 2010). I'm just so glad that God allowed us to have that special party for Chrissie before her surgery. I truly never thought we wouldn't be celebrating Chrissie's 5th birthday here on earth this October 8th, but God knew. So grateful for our "mock" birthday party!
So, here's the idea this card gave me in planning the celebration of Chrissie's 5th birthday party, which, of course, she'll be attending from Heaven:
Christyn Joy Patterson
October 8, 2005-May 19, 2010
A Celebration In Memory of Chrissie's 5th Birthday
- Who: YOU are cordially invited to send birthday wishes to Princess Chrissie in memory of her 5th birthday.
- What: A round-the-world-celebration in memory of Chrissie's 5th Birthday
- When: October 8, 2010 (any time of day)
- Where: The comfort of your own home (or wherever you'll be on October 8)
- Why: To give Chrissie the biggest and best birthday party she's ever had...people singing happy birthday to Chrissie in Heaven from all around the world!!!
- How: This is easy! Just do what the card says: Put a chair for Chrissie at your table, put a candle on your cake (or anything you want to use that could hold a candle! :-), then include among your favors the very best wish Chrissie can make. And what do you think Chrissie's birthday wish would be?!? Leave me a comment to let me know what you think Chrissie would wish for! Or leave a comment with a birthday wish TO Chrissie! Or leave both types of comments. (Our family will read the comments on Friday (Chrissie's birthday) as we try to figure out how to get through this hard, hard day. I have no doubt that we'll treasure your comments, whether we know you or not. :-) And if you are able to send a photo of your little celebration, please do. That would be an extra special blessing to see some of your sweet faces! And if you want to go all out for the celebration, release a helium balloon to Chrissie with a note attached from you, sending her birthday wishes all the way to Heaven! Oh, and feel free to eat some brownie batter (Chrissie's FAVORITE) in honor of our princess' special day, and don't forget to sing (or shout!) a loud and lovely happy birthday to Chrissie! :-)
These are photos taken the night of Chrissie's "mock" birthday party, the night before her open-heart surgery (April 18, 2010). We had a formal princess ball that we threw together at the last minute because God shared this idea with me on Saturday night (LATE) April 17, and the party was Sunday afternoon, April 18. We only had our immediate family at the party because we had to shield Chrissie from outside germ exposure to protect her health, but Chrissie didn't care who attended her party. What mattered to her was that she was loved, chosen, cherished. Forever and always, no matter what.
Princess Chrissie celebrating her "birthday" on April 18, 2010, the day before her open-heart surgery.
Chrissie and Daddy at her princess party, April 18, 2010.
Family photo at Chrissie's princess party.
(Naomi and Asher joined our family this summer, so they're not in the photo.)
Chrissie gazing into Daddy's eyes as they danced to Steven Curtis Chapman's Cinderella song.
(We're super excited to be going to A Night With The Chapmans today in Houston, Oct. 7!)
Chrissie with on of her gifts at her little b-day party, April 18.
So grateful for this party that was tossed together at the last second!
Christyn "Jewelry" (Joy) Patterson
Chrissie received an electric Disney Princess scooter for her "birthday" (in April.)
A funny sidenote is that any time Chrissie would see a picture of Cinderella, she would say, "Awww, Chrissie!" She totally thought SHE was Cinderella!!!
Can you see the pure joy and excitement in Chrissie's face as we sang happy birthday to her?!?
I wish I could see her twinkly eyes and sparkling smile in Heaven as various people around the world sing happy birthday to her this Friday in memory of Chrissie's 5th birthday. Wow, I can only imagine what her party will be like in Heaven.
Thank you for loving us and praying for us. We are most grateful!!!

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