We’ve been super busy this week, but I wanted to take a quick moment to ask you all to continue to pray for direction for Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries. We had the privilege of meeting with Tom Davis and his wife last Saturday in Colorado Springs. Tom Davis is the CEO of Children’s HopeChest.
I met Tom back in the fall of 2010 when we were both featured guest bloggers on the same panel at the Together 4 Adoption Conference in Austin. My friends Amy Block and Angel Wier both know Tom personally. I took a photo of the 3 of them together at the conference, not realizing then that God might use that time of meeting Tom to bring us to lunch 2.5 years later in Colorado Springs!
Tom has graciously offered for Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries to partner with Children’s HopeChest, to have access to their abundant resources, as well as their staff in many countries. This is an incredible opportunity!
It is our hope to begin this new opportunity by building a children’s home for orphans with special needs in memory of Chrissie. We want to do a family style setting where children would be with house parents, as similar as it gets to a real family. It’s also our hope that we can do this in Guatemala at Village of Hope, but we have some more praying to do and lots of logistics to work out.
It’s our hope to do a campaign in memory of Chrissie during the time frame of April 19-May 19 of this year, which will be the 3rd anniversary of Chrissie’s 31-day hospital battle. We always do a t-shirt fundraiser during that season, and it was always our hope to have a benefit during that time as well. We’re praying for God to show us what He’d like for us to do this year.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers. Thanks so much!

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