Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All Life is Beautiful

January is Sanctity of Human Life Month.

My heart, my soul, and my entire life have been drastically reformed by the Master over the years.  While I know He still has so much more circumcising of my heart to perform and so much more refining to do in my life, I am so very grateful that He has opened my eyes to the TRUTH regarding human life.

Until God sent us Chrissie, then Selah, then Cooper and Conner, I didn’t view ALL life the same.  For most of my life, I felt that “typical” people, those without special needs, had better lives than those with special needs.

I was so wrong.

Only the Lord could have taught me the real meaning of sanctity of human life.  He would choose to do this by entrusting me with several of the greatest treasures on earth—the least of these. The ones who were weak, forgotten, cast aside, given bleak prognoses, even the ones termed ‘not compatible with life’. 

ALL are precious in His sight.


There’s not one exception.

How do I know?

Because He doesn’t make mistakes.


Which means that every single human life is truly precious in His sight, regardless of what society might tell us.

It doesn’t matter the IQ, it doesn’t matter the ability, it doesn’t matter the diagnoses.



If you believe in the Author of Life, and believe His Word is Truth, you must forget what society tries to convince us of and cling to His Truth and His promises.  Always.  Regardless.  Period.

Nuff said.

Please take some time to peruse the short videos on the site Every Life is Beautiful.  You’ll be so blessed by the variety of messages proclaiming His Truth.  Indeed, Every.Life.Is.Beautiful. 

If you haven’t already seen the movie October Baby (rated PG-13, so use discretion with children), I highly recommend it.  Truth is told in this movie, based on true testimony. 

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