Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!
Please forgive me for not posting blog updates throughout most of 2014. Around Easter, God asked me to enter a season of quiet with regards to this blog. He didn't tell me to shut the blog down, just to enter a season of rest with Him. I wasn't sure if that would be a temporary season or a permanent thing, and I still don't have clear direction from Him.
One thing I've really struggled with is how this blog can be both encouraging and discouraging. So many of you have contacted me to urge me to update our blog because you have been so encouraged and inspired by our family and our updates.
However, I've also received many messages that have led me to believe our blog and updates can actually be a discouragement to families who compare their family to ours. Don't get me wrong, no one has outright said anything about our family being discouraging in any way, I've just been pondering some of the comments of followers and asking God to show me if this blog season is finished, as I would never want our family to become a measuring stick for another family. (For example, there are many families who have left comments sharing how they want their family to be larger, to have more internationally adopted children, to have more children with special needs, etc.) I just don't want to become anyone's measuring stick or idol, and I want God to show me His will for this blog.
I'm still waiting for God to give me His answer. :-)
In the meantime, as I wait for God's direction for this blog, I want to let all of you know our family is doing well. Many of you have contacted me privately to let me know you're praying for us, and to inquire about us to make sure we're doing okay. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. We're so blessed by you! I've tried to respond to each individual message I've received to let you know our family is doing well, but I may have missed some. Please forgive me if you contacted me and didn't hear back from me; I truly have intended to reply to each message and I truly appreciate each of you who have taken the time to track me down and ask how our family is doing!
As you know, God called us to adopt two children in 2014. If you'll notice in our family picture, there's a precious new bundle of love who joined our family this year--Ruby Jean (pictured between Mommy and Daddy in our family photo above).
The other child God called us to adopt, should be joining our family January 2015! We have worked diligently to adopt our Lillie Pearl before she ages out Feb. 9, 2015, and Satan has worked just as diligently to try to delay and derail her adoption. I was even carjacked on the way to FedEx our adoption dossier in September! So crazy, but no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17), and we trust God in ALL situations. He rarely calls us to easy, and He writes such amazing testimonies for each of our adoption journeys. What a joy it is to follow Him in this journey He's called us to!
We would greatly appreciate your prayers for Lillie Pearl's adoption to be finalized before her 14th birthday (Feb 9, 2015--the day she would age out of the adoption system in China and not be eligible for adoption once she turns 14). We are at the very end stages of all approvals, but Satan continues to throw his fiery darts to try to delay this adoption. I am so excited to see what world-changing plans God must have for our Lillie Pearl since the enemy has been trying so hard to delay and derail her adoption.
We have some AWESOME shirt fundraisers friends put together to help us raise the remaining funds for Lillie Pear's adoption, but you'll have to hurry and order because this fundraiser ends THIS Sunday, December 7, 2014.
Click HERE to order your shirts--hurry and order by Dec. 7! All proceeds from each sale will go directly into Lillie Pearl's adoption fund.
We have long-sleeved SPIRIT JERSEYS--the new trendy shirt that's all the rage!!! These are incredibly awesome shirts that are super high quality, generously sized cotton, meant to last for years and years. These are available in youth and adult sizes. Click HERE to order:
We also have short-sleeved unisex Comfort Colors tees sporting a message customized for our Lillie PEARL. :-) These tees are super high quality, thick garment-dyed cotton shirts that hold up to wash after wash, wear after wear. These are also available in youth and adult sizes. Click HERE to order.
Or if you don't want a shirt, but want to support our adoption of Lillie Pearl, you may make a tax-deductible donation HERE (be sure to select "The Patterson Family").
Also, I'm excited to announce our orphan ministry in memory of our beloved daughter, Chrissie, is now an official non-profit 501(c)3 organization! If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation to Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries, you may do so HERE. Or see the right sidebar of this blog for a link to make a monthly tax-deductible donation. All donations help orphans in memory of Chrissie.
And, last, but not least, Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries is now a charity featured on Amazon Smile! Click HERE to shop via Amazon Smile and 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries, to help orphans in memory of Chrissie! This is the SAME Amazon you know and love--same products, same prices, only better because your purchases give back and help make a difference in the lives of orphans! Once you select Boss Your Heart Orphan Ministries as the charity you'd like to support, every time you shop via Amazon Smile, your purchases will help support our ministry! It's so easy and now your purchases can make a difference for an orphan! Can't get better than that!

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