Yesterday Matt and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.
We attended the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Vegas.
Our 5-day getaway was wonderful.
Filled with rest and relaxation for just the two of us.
A rare opportunity for this mom and dad of 11 precious blessings.
We’re so grateful to everyone who served our family during our absence. Without your help, this trip wouldn’t have been possible. Thank you!
Our 21 years of marriage has been filled with highs and lows, mountains and valleys, but through it all, we’ve always had Jesus and love. God has brought us a long way since the day we said, “I do.” As Matt and I reminisced about our 21 years, we agreed the only thing we’d really want to change is not losing our Chrissie. God has been so faithful to carry us through that valley, which is most definitely the lowest season of our 21 years together. God has taught us that, indeed, with Him all things are possible. We love because He first loved us. He is the head of our marriage, and without His strength, I don’t know where we would be. So we thank and praise His precious name for blessing us with the last 21 years, and we pray with belief, expectancy, and joy for the next 21+ years together. Together, we’re better.

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